Monday, April 19, 2010

6 months pictures

Here are a few pics from their 6 month pics. A lot of you have seen them on fb already but I thought I'd share with those that haven't seen them. I'm a pretty proud mama! :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Boards

Just throwing this out there. It's a new board instead of using P.A.IF and it's for graduates of PA.IF as well. And really anyone that wants to join. I know I'm going to post over there now. I've been waiting for something like this. Thanks Tab.atha! So come on over and join. The more the merrier!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How am I going to do this?

How in the world am I going to protect my kids? I read so many stories in the news today about sch.ool sh.ootings and and chil.d ab.use. What am I going to do so that none of this EVER happens to my family? This really has me questioning my faith today and I'm not proud of myself. Who's to say this can't happen to my little ones? How will I know if the decision I'm making for them is the right one? Can I trust my mot.herly inst.incts? All these questions are flying through my head today. Not sure why I'm so emotional. Not time for A.F. or anything. I guess some of the stories I read today really struck a nerve. I watched a video of a woman in as she threw her 10 month old baby backwards on the ground. Hard. How could someone do that to a baby and why does THIS horrible woman have a baby and I know WAY too many good women that don't. It's all very hard for me to understand today.

On a side note, both little ones are doing better now. Avery had a very rough week last week with the R.SV and the ear in.fecti.on and the dia.rrh.ea. She's now doing much better and I even got her first giggle out of her. Absolutely precious. Luke has found his voice! I cannot get the boy to shut up! lol. He talks (more like babbles, but you get my drift) from the time he wakes up until the time he falls asleep. And if you're not in the same room as him, it turns into yelling! We're at a good stage right now. A lot of fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sick Babies

Well so much for having the healthiest babies ever! Luke and Avery now have R.SV . *sigh* Avery has it the worst. She coughs and coughs. Breaks my heart. If you've never heard a baby cough, it's the worst sound in the world! I hate it. Then yesterday morning she woke up with blood on her sheets. At first I thought she was coughing up blood but with closer watch I saw that it was coming from here ear. So back to the doc we went and she now has a bad ear infection on top of the RS.V . Wonderful. They're at home with their daddy today and my mom is coming up tonight to watch them on wed and thur. At least I know they're going to be taken good care of. Poor babies.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Babys.itter

As some of you saw yesterday on fb I had to fire my moron ba.bysit.ter yesterday. For the 3rd time now (mind you I've only been back to work since mid December) she didn't answer her door when I came to drop my kids off. She lives in an apt building too so I had to stand in the cold with 2 car seats buzzing her apt. So frustrating!!! I cannot even tell you how mad I was yesterday. I'm hoping that this is a blessing in disguise. I called a good friend of mine who takes care of kids in her home. I had originally asked her to watch my kids but at that time she was already watching 3 others and that was her max. Well I called her yesterday just to see if she can watch them today and tomorrow for me and I'd find someone else by next week. She was more than happy to help. She watches a 1 year old and a 4 year old already. Not only is she going to take them today and tomorrow but if all goes well she will keep them from now on. (The 4 year old is leaving her in June) So everyone please say a little prayer for me today that my little ones behave and that their new bab.ysit.ter can handle 4 kids!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

BF Giveaway

Hey Ladies, since I decided (or my body decided) not to bre.ast fe.ed anymore, I have a lot of stuff leftover if anyone wants it. If I don't have any takers here then I'll post this on PAIF. Here's what I have. A box of these with only a few bags missing. 2 tubes of this that I never used. 2 boxes of these. I think I may have used a couple out of one box. I also have a few little storage bottles that I used to store my bm in the fridge. I believe I have some medela storage bottles as well. It's all for free I just want it out of my house! It's funny how much space little stuff can take up when you have too much of it and you don't even use it. Ok, anyone that's interested let me know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Que.en Avery decided it was time to roll over. Yesterday at 3 am I woke up to her screaming her head off. I went into their room and there she was staring at the ceiling, bawling. I know she should sleep on her back, but she's slept on her tummy since she was 3 weeks old. Plus now she holds her head up very well. Anyway, I didn't get to actually see it but she rolled over. And scared herself silly in doing so. She's so far ahead of her brother but they say that girls do learn faster than boys. She's close to sitting up too. Sometimes it's hard for DH to remember that they're techinically only 3 months old since they were born 5 weeks early. Our ped explained to us that they may do things normal 4 month old kids do at 5 months so we need to be patient with that. I'm ok with it but I think he wants them off to college tomorrow sometimes! lol.

I started giving them both peaches ( foo.d of course) on saturday. They hadn't pooped in days! I believe that cereal makes them more constipated than they already were. Well the peaches did the trick! They share one of the tiny jars. I videotaped it too. Luke is hilarious. He takes a bite, gags with his tongue sticking out, then smiles. He does this with every spoonful I put in his mouth. It's too funny. So i'm goin to try and give them some sort of food every other day now to keep them "regular". I hate that they have to strain to poo. This works for us.

I'm starting to get our tax stuff together. Ugh! What a pain in the butt! But it is what it is. Plus it should definitely be worth it this year since we added two nice little tax credits to our family. :)

I have some co.up.ons if anyone wants them let me know. I'm not sure what everyone uses as far as formula goes. DH works for and that's who makes si.m.ila.c so we get ours half price already. So if anyone wants them let me know. And if you want to find me on fb i post more pics of the kiddos on there than i do on here. I'm already friends with some of the other bloggers if you want to find me that way. Otherwise look for R.ic.he.lle An.d.ers.on in, I.L